Galax, Va. preps for inaugural Antique Fair Sept.10

The epicenter of ‘Old-Time Music’, Galax, Va., will host an Antique Fair Sept. 10.

GALAX, Va. — The city of Galax, Virginia will hold its inaugural Antique Fair on Saturday, September 10, 2016 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.. There will be no charge for dealer space for this inaugural event, and no admission charged to attendees.

Galax, Va. is planning its first Antique Fair for Sept. 10. (Photo courtesy

Vendor spaces are ten feet deep; length will vary according to the needs of the vendor. Space will be allotted on a first-come-first served basis. The Fair is limited to antique and vintage goods only; no “flea market” merchandise will be allowed.

Vendors may set up after 5 p.m. on Friday, September 9, 2016 and must remove their displays when the Fair ends at 6 p.m..

As is customary in Galax, “The Old-Time Music Capital of the World”, music will be provided on the street and food items will be available for purchase.

Vendor registration forms must be submitted by August 26, 2016. Registration forms can be obtained from the Galax Visitors Center, 110 East Grayson Street, Galax, VA 24333 or by email at